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Paint Vs. Siding


    • According to Aesthetically Valued Homes, adding siding to your home increases the overall energy efficiency and reduces your heating and cooling costs. Painting does not increase a home's energy efficiency.


    • A fresh coat of exterior paint will spruce up your home for potential buyers. A home that has siding in good repair will likewise attract interested candidates.


    • A coat of paint can be expected to last between three to five years according to Alside. This same company offers vinyl siding that has a limited lifetime warranty.


    • A painted exterior allows you the flexibility to change your color scheme often. Although there are many types of siding that can be painted, they normally collect dirt and do not keep the home looking fresh as long as painted clapboard.


    • A home that has been painted can be expected to start peeling within five years. Vinyl, metal or wood siding does not peel at all.

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