Survival Food List - The Emergency Essentials
Hey, the sky could fall. This isn't to say it most assuredly will, but there are many factors that make the writing of a survival food list an incredibly intelligent and practical undertaking, and by no means an act of lunacy. Here, we will discuss a few of the powerful reasons why you are wise to make such a list, as well as a few of the foods that are absolute musts. I hope you find this information valuable.
2 Reasons To Make A Survival Food List:
1. Natural disasters or war. As we learned in the not-too-distant past, we are not impervious to attack from determined foreign enemies. Likewise, disasters such as tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes are always very real threats. Sorry to sound cliche, but it truly is better to be safe than sorry.
2. Financial ruin. Inflation is a reality we are all faced with. And as our government keeps printing new money to cover its debts, and as "job security" seems to become more and more of an oxymoron every day, it is incredibly important to prepare yourself for the worst.
What to Include On Your Survival Food List:
1. Canned goods such as tuna, vegetables, pastas, canned meats, canned fruits, chili, beans, etc. These foods have an incredibly long shelf life and contain sufficient (not ideal, but sufficient) nutritional value to sustain you and your family through any major hardship.
2. Dehydrated goods such as pasta, instant potatoes, dried beans, rice, oats and other cereals, and ramen noodles are all great options and can last you an incredibly long time without costing you an arm and a leg... there I go with the cliches again! In all seriousness, you should stock up on these like crazy!
3. Peanut butter is another good option, as it lasts a long time, is palatable, and also happens to be a good source of quality fats, sugars, and proteins.
There are obviously others, but these are the big three. An alternative to making your own survival food list and doing all the shopping and storing is to contact a "food insurance" type of organization and invest in a year or so worth of food. They will ship your emergency food right to your door in sealed packages. This is an excellent option if you don't want to be bothered with a huge survivalist undertaking, but would still like the benefits associated with planning ahead.
2 Reasons To Make A Survival Food List:
1. Natural disasters or war. As we learned in the not-too-distant past, we are not impervious to attack from determined foreign enemies. Likewise, disasters such as tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes are always very real threats. Sorry to sound cliche, but it truly is better to be safe than sorry.
2. Financial ruin. Inflation is a reality we are all faced with. And as our government keeps printing new money to cover its debts, and as "job security" seems to become more and more of an oxymoron every day, it is incredibly important to prepare yourself for the worst.
What to Include On Your Survival Food List:
1. Canned goods such as tuna, vegetables, pastas, canned meats, canned fruits, chili, beans, etc. These foods have an incredibly long shelf life and contain sufficient (not ideal, but sufficient) nutritional value to sustain you and your family through any major hardship.
2. Dehydrated goods such as pasta, instant potatoes, dried beans, rice, oats and other cereals, and ramen noodles are all great options and can last you an incredibly long time without costing you an arm and a leg... there I go with the cliches again! In all seriousness, you should stock up on these like crazy!
3. Peanut butter is another good option, as it lasts a long time, is palatable, and also happens to be a good source of quality fats, sugars, and proteins.
There are obviously others, but these are the big three. An alternative to making your own survival food list and doing all the shopping and storing is to contact a "food insurance" type of organization and invest in a year or so worth of food. They will ship your emergency food right to your door in sealed packages. This is an excellent option if you don't want to be bothered with a huge survivalist undertaking, but would still like the benefits associated with planning ahead.