Salpa: Salema
Thanks to its brilliant yellow stripes the salema is quite distinctive. They live in stands of algae, which are also one of their preferred foods, and are of varying quality depending upon what else they eat in addition to algae and the time of year -- according to Alan Davidson they're best in the fall, during the period of the grape harvest, and he says that they improve with marinating at other times of year.
In other words, another fish to purchase from a trusted fishmonger.
Have some Salema?
Salpe in Bandiera - Salema in Bandiera.
To serve 4:
1 3/4 pounds (800 g) salema fillets
1/4 pound (100 g) green bell peppers, stemmed, seeded, ribbed, and cut into long strips
1/4 pound (100 g) bright red tomatoes, cut into rounds
1/4 pound (100 g) white onions, cut into rounds
1/4 cup olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Combine the peppers, tomatoes and onions in a saucepan with the oil, season the mixture with salt and pepper, and set it to heat; when the mixture begins to bubble simmer it for a half hour.
Add the fish fillets and continue cooking for a few more minutes (figure a cooking time of 5 minutes per half-inch thickness (1.2 cm) of the fillet), mixing gently, until they are done.
How to Select Fresh Fish
How to Fillet a Fish
How to Serve a Whole Fish at Table
Other Fish Recipes
In other words, another fish to purchase from a trusted fishmonger.
Have some Salema?
Salpe in Bandiera - Salema in Bandiera.
To serve 4:
1 3/4 pounds (800 g) salema fillets
1/4 pound (100 g) green bell peppers, stemmed, seeded, ribbed, and cut into long strips
1/4 pound (100 g) bright red tomatoes, cut into rounds
1/4 pound (100 g) white onions, cut into rounds
1/4 cup olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Combine the peppers, tomatoes and onions in a saucepan with the oil, season the mixture with salt and pepper, and set it to heat; when the mixture begins to bubble simmer it for a half hour.
Add the fish fillets and continue cooking for a few more minutes (figure a cooking time of 5 minutes per half-inch thickness (1.2 cm) of the fillet), mixing gently, until they are done.
How to Select Fresh Fish
How to Fillet a Fish
How to Serve a Whole Fish at Table
Other Fish Recipes