Home & Garden Home Appliances

How to Change a Filter on a Trane XL 1200

    • 1). Turn the air conditioning thermostat to the "Off" position.

    • 2). Place one hand on the center of the air conditioner return filter door. The filter is inside a metal door that circulates air by sucking it into the system, cooling it and blowing out of the air vents in a home. Turn each of the thumbscrews counter-clockwise with the other hand to loosen them.

    • 3). Release the hand on the center of the door and let a ceiling mount door open, or swing open a wall mount door.

    • 4). Reach inside and pull the filter out with one hand one each side. Observe which direction the red arrow on the filter points.

    • 5). Slide a new filter into the air conditioning filter area with the red arrow pointing in the same direction as the original filter.

    • 6). Swing the return air filter door closed on its hinges and support it in the center with one hand.

    • 7). Turn the thumbscrews clockwise to tighten them and hold the door in place.

    • 8). Turn the air conditioning unit thermostat to the "On" position.

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