Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How to Use Visualization to Attract Wealth to Your Life

Not many people understand the true power of visualization.
Truth be told, it is a brilliant tool that can be used to help you achieve any result you want.
If you want to earn $1 million or any other amount, visualization can be used to help you get there.
You see, the reason you're earning whatever you're earning now is because of something called paradigms.
Paradigms are beliefs, thoughts, and habits that have been deeply rooted into your subconscious mind, and these really do control all of your results in life.
The reason most people keep earning the same income year after year after year for the entirety of their life is because they developed certain paradigms at a young age regarding their values, "normal results," and the like, and they never seemed to ever know how or make the move to break these habit patterns that were limiting their experiences and joys of life.
You cannot destroy an old paradigm, but you can lessen it greatly until it becomes much less dominant than a new desirable paradigm, and one of the greatest and simplest ways to make this change occur is through visualization.
If you analyze any "average" person, you'd soon realize that a likely factor as to why they keep on receiving the same results in life over and over again is because of where their dominant thought pattern is.
Their focus is on their present results -- their present income -- and every time they think of this, they reinforce this limiting belief/paradigm in the subconscious mind.
Even if it's something they truly want to abolish from their life, they will naturally keep the same results because their subconscious mind is programmed for survival, and if what you're currently doing is working and you've become comfortable and naturally accustomed to it, you'll (subconsciously and habitually) keep on doing it.
Humans think in images, and without having the image of receiving the income that you want, it is virtually impossible to manifest any change in your life.
Here are two powerful ways to help yourself "visualize" the financial changes you want to have happen in the physical world.
1) Take a dollar bill of any value, and after the number in the corner, write a certain number of zeros after it until you get to the desired income you would like to have.
(For example, if you want $1 million, take a $1 bill and add 6 zeros to the end of it).
2) Write a check to yourself for the amount of money you'd like to be receiving on a regular basis.
After you've done either of these two options, put this new bill/check in a place where you'd view it often.
Throughout your day, look at it and visualize the freedom and the incredible influx in opportunities and enjoyable activities you would be involved in with your new income.
Ensure that you visualize your new lifestyle with an abundance of emotion, because the Law of Attraction responds to emotions and will help you in the manifestation of your dominant thoughts and subsequent emotions.
Also, realize that through visualizing yourself in possession of all the money you desire frequently throughout your day, every time you allow your thoughts to accept that you have this money in your possession, new paradigms will emerge and become dominant, changing your life completely! Here's to earning all the money you could possibly desire!

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