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Is a Hybrid Bike a Better Option For Daily Commuting?

Most of the people today have realized that they need to exercise a bit, but the commitments every day prevent them from getting the time for exercise.
What our daily commuters need is a little exercise while they travel to and from their workplace.
A recent survey has revealed that almost 30% or USA's health budget is spent on rehabilitation of the obese.
This is an alarming situation and needs to be seriously viewed.
On the other hand there is no obese person in China.
This does not mean that the Chinese go for daily workouts.
The reason is that the entire nation still uses cycles as the main mode of daily commuting.
As per their national survey they hardly have any stress related diseases.
This all is attributed to the use of bikes.
I am not a very big fan of the Chinese way of life, but the fact is that they have the solution to so many problems in such a simple solution.
I am not saying that we all go and buy road bikes and start marching around, but what I want to bring out is the fact that if we include commuting to our work place on a bike it will help us resolve many problems related to health and save the environment at the same time.
When we have agreed to the fact that a bike should be used then the point of selection of the right bike for this purpose crops up.
There are so many different types of bikes available to choose from.
Which is the perfect bike has to be ascertained.
There is hardly a problem in that, as it is simply a matter of personal choice.
If you want comfort of efficiency is what matters.
If you want comfort, then go for the comfort bikes which have lesser efficiency.
But if you want efficiency then the road bike is your answer.
But if you want both these factors together in one bike then your selection should be a hybrid bike which is perfect for your requirement.
They have both comfort and efficiency blended together for your comfort.

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