Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

7 Reliable Tips For House Breaking Your Puppy

Tip 1: Get the whole family involved in the house training process.
This will be a great help in socializing your puppy.
This will also make it more possible that someone will be available when your puppy requires some attention.
Make sure children less than 10 years of age are supervised when with your puppy.
Tip 2: Ensure that all family members make use of the same training techniques.
Any deviation in the training methods used will just puzzle your puppy.
You should for example always make use of the same command when taking your puppy out to relief themselves.
Tip 3: Make sure that you provide your puppy with all the attention that they require.
Persistent accidents on your puppy's behalf usually mean that you do not give your puppy sufficient attention.
Tip 4: Limit your puppy only to the use of a small room in the house until the time that they are fully house-trained.
It will also be beneficial if the floor of that room is easy to clean, like a tile floor.
Baby gates are also very efficient ways of keeping your puppy in the room.
Put your puppy's crate or bed in one corner of the room, and their food and water bowls in the other corner of the room.
Also provide your puppy with enough toys so that they can play with them and chew on them.
Tip 5: Never punish your puppy for having a mishap.
If you catch them while doing so, you can cut it short with a verbal reprimand, or making a clapping sound with your hands.
Tip 6: All puppies have a tendency to eliminate on the same place over and over again.
They usually locate these spots by the scents.
Clean these areas thoroughly after they had an accident.
If they use the same spot on another occasion, it is usually because you didn't clean it well enough.
Be sure to use enough deodorizer products.
Tip 7: Make sure that you give your puppy some sort of reward if they do eliminate in the correct place.
Give them enough praise straight after they have done so.
Be sure to make use of an excited tone of voice.
With enough repetition, your puppy will connect the right behavior with the reward in a short amount of time.

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