Health & Medical Acne

18 Acne Remedies Found Inside Your Home

Acne has been a problem of teenagers and even young adults.
Some have even spent thousands of dollars to cure it, and some have taken expensive topical medications.
The odd thing is, these might have been unnecessary due to the fact that there are remedies found in the comfort of your home.
Below is a list of acne remedies that are naturally safe and doesn't require you to spend too much.
1) Before going to bed, put toothpaste on the affected parts of your face.
Make sure to use the paste and not the gel type.
This would help ease the swelling of your acne.
2) Use strawberry leaves on your acne.
This is another method to reduce the possibility of inflammation of your acne.
3) Prepare a mixture of rose water and lime juice.
The ratio should be equal parts.
Use this mixture for 15 days by applying on your face.
Let it stand on your face for half an hour.
Wash with fresh water.
This will help cure your acne and will prevent scars and blemishes.
4) Using the lemon skin, massage your face.
Rinse with lukewarm water.
5) To help your face become oil free, wash your face with warm salty water twice a day.
6) Using a cotton ball, wipe your face with rose water two to three times a day.
7) In a mixing bowl, combine vinegar and salt.
Rub on the affected areas.
Get a face towel and soak it in the mixture.
Gently pat on the affected areas and let it stay for 15-20 minutes.
Rinse with fresh water.
8) To refresh your face, make a paste by blending cucumber.
Put on your face like a face mask.
Let it stay for half an hour and then wash with fresh water.
9) Crush a couple of garlic cloves.
Rub on and around the acne once or twice a day.
10) Crush a nutmeg and mix with milk.
Apply the mixture on your acne.
This will help remove acne without scars.
11) Boil one cup of water.
Put two to three teaspoons of dried basil leaves.
Let it boil for another 10-20 minutes.
Let it cool.
Apply on your face with the use of a cotton ball.
12) Make a soft paste of oatmeal and rose water.
Rub it on your face particularly on the affected areas.
Then leave it on your face for 15 minutes.
Rinse with cold water.
13) Mix cinnamon powder and honey.
Apply the mixture before going to bed.
Rinse your face the following morning.
14) Crush ripe tomatoes to make a paste.
Apply on the infected areas.
Keep it for one hour and then rinse with fresh water.
15) Massage your face with the mixture of one tablespoon brown sugar and two tablespoons of white sugar.
16) Rub your face with raw papaya juice.
The papaya juice includes the seed and the skin.
17) Boil a glass of milk and mix with fresh lemon juice.
Use this as a facial wash and rinse with water.
18) Combine half teaspoon each of tomato juice and camphor lotion with a teaspoon of honey.
Put the mixture on the acne.
After 15 minutes, wash with lukewarm water and then cold water.

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