Health & Medical Parenting

Toddlers Safety at Home

Toddlers are quite different from other babies because they understand and follow instructions far less than others, although they are very mobile and cannot be protected all the time.
Here are few tips which nobody expect or want to learn by trial and accident: ·Electric receptacles should have covers on them so that they cannot poke their fingers.
·Don't use recliners or other mechanical chairs/furniture until they are old enough to understand not to crawl under them.
See if they can crawl, put a blockade up.
·Try pulling over table, chair or other item to see how easy for them to pull.
Replace the easy one.
·Crawl around on your hand & knees like they do on floors, carpet and see what happened.
There should be no pointed or sharp object to injure them.
·Check what items like glasses, plates, vases, books can be pulled off of the furniture.
Do not use table covers that can be pulled off, along with every thing on it.
·Install suitable gates at entrance to kitchen, laundry, and garage etc.
toddlers should never be in these places unless accompanied by someone.
·Keep the doors of bathrooms; bedrooms shut when not in use so that they cannot roam there.
·Don't use fireplace, gas heaters or other such items if toddler is near those areas while it is hot.
·They should not crawl behind furniture and stuck there causing injury or suffocation.
·Ensure nothing given to them like toys have parts like wheels, buttons which are small enough to be removed by them and put in the mouth and can cause choking or injuring the air passage.
·Strings or chord are not to be left around that can be wrapped around the neck.
It is for plastic bags and balloons are the things they can put over their head and face, as these are airtight things can cause suffocation.
·Spray cans, insecticides to be placed in such places, which are inaccessible to them.
·Ensure they should not play with sharp or pointed toys, pencils, pens etc.
These are the few points mentioned here, although some more can be summed up depending on the observations and experiences one gets while raising children.

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