Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

5 Reasons for Poor Eating Habits in Children

Children can have stubborn table manners. It can be difficult to get them to have a morsel if the food preparation is not as per their liking. You may wonder why your kid does not eat his/ her food normally in spite of preparing a tasty dish. Nevertheless, some children with a healthy mind and body usually have their food with minimal fuss.

Read on to find 5 reasons for poor eating habits of children.

1. Not the right taste
Young children tend to have sensitive taste buds. If the food prepared is too spicy or bland, they will refuse to eat it outright. The key here is to get the combination right and induce your child with the correct taste. Observe and decide your child's preferred taste. If your child is old enough, you can tempt him with salads, kebabs and other nourishing desserts.

2. Too much discipline
It is natural for a child to mess at dinner time. If you lecture him excessively for his messy eating habits, he is likely to develop a negative attitude towards eating. Instead, encourage your child to enjoy his meal by scolding him less and inculcating the apt table etiquette. You can also cover the dining table with plastic covers to lessen the mess created.

3. Junk food
If your child has easy access to junk food at all times, he will not be hungry during normal meal times. The solution is to limit children's access to junk food and only allow it during snack times. Have a check on his pocket money to control the purchase of junk food. It can include sweets, chips, chocolates, etc. As an alternative to junk food in snacks, offer them fresh fruits with ice cream, yogurts, almonds, fresh fruit shake, etc.

4. Dining Out
Dining out occasionally is fine, but frequent outdoor meals are bad for your kid's meal habits. No matter how healthy the food available outside is advertised to be, nothing can beat home cooked food. Your child will get addicted to outside food, which is not good for his health. Restaurants and food places tend to tempt children with ready-made mouth- watering food options. If your child consumes such food repeatedly, he may fail to appreciate the taste of healthier home cooked alternatives.

5. Pickiness
Parents assume that they know everything about which food is good for their kids. Young kids like to experiment with different varieties of food. Poor eating remedies for children can be introduced by encouraging them, offering them various healthy choices to indulge in and relish.

In case your child is still refusing to eat normally, there are other effective children eating disorder remedies available. Your child's behavior may also be influenced by other factors like stress and illness. Constant observation is required to determine the exact eating disorder symptoms. Children's poor eating remedies would require you as their parent to participate just as actively as the child. Be prepared to embrace a healthy change and teach your child the real value of food!

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