Health & Medical Yoga

Letters to a Yogi - Prana (Energy)

The following statements are excerpts from my talks with Yoga students, who have questions about Prana, Energy, Creation, and Life.
When, and how, does Prana (energy) enter into our body? The energy fields, which are within each of us, have existed since the beginning of time.
Energy (Prana) exists throughout the universe.
If the "Big Bang Theory" is correct, Prana was once very condensed, but then exploded to be scattered throughout the universe as we know it.
Yet, the energy around you was not in the particular form of your being before.
Many people believe the energy within each of us starts at conception, but a man and a woman each contribute one half of the energy, which creates a new and unique child.
As the child grows, the energy field grows, pulling in Prana from the outside universe.
This is the way it is for all living beings, whether they are animals or plants.
Life is a random formula of coincidences for which God has the only true answers.
How does our energy field know that we are old, and when it is the time for energy to leave our body? Most likely, the energy field does not have a consciousness, as we know it, but it may operate more on an instinctive level.
Even a rock is an energy field, because it is full of neutrons, electrons, and protons.
Yet, it is doubtful that we will find a "thinking rock.
" If we live a full life, our energy field will gradually fade from our body, as we become weak and frail.
The human body was not made to exist forever, so the energy field within, will then take shape as something else.
If we suddenly die, due to trauma, such as - an auto accident, plane crash, or something very abrupt - the energy is propelled out of our bodies, but, again, it will take shape as something else.
The Yogic body is actually three bodies.
The physical body, which we know as "sthula sharira," is easy for us to comprehend.
We can smell, taste, see, feel, and touch, with the physical body.
However, this is not the only reality.
The causal body, which we know as, "karana sharira," is the soul.
The soul is not the energy body.
Only God knows where our particular souls will go after this life.
The third body is the one we have been discussing today.
This is the energy body, which we know as "sukshma sharira.
" We often refer to this as the Pranic, subtle, vital body.
One last point to mention: Do not waste time by worrying about energy escaping from your body.
It is guaranteed that you gained some energy today, but you also lost some, in the process of daily life.
Practice Pranayama and cultivate Prana, into your body, for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
This will enable you to enjoy each moment of your life.
© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

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