Health & Medical Body building

Building Real Physical Bodyweight Strength

Building real strength does not happen overnight.
It doesn't happen training 6 months then taking a month off for your body to rest.
A lot of fitness professionals talk about resting and letting the body rest.
Most people think you need to let your body sit idle to build real power.
Real strength happens after years of training and not stopping.
If your injured rest that body part and then train another one, there is no excuse.
If you are a body builder and are looking for massive muscles.
If you want functional muscle and strength train everyday.
Your body will adapt to the stress you put on your body, it will get stronger.
Look at laborers, concrete workers, freight handlers, furniture movers, ditch diggers any labor job these men do this everyday without a split routine.
Their body always adapts to the stress of physical labor if they they get hurt they don't get paid, if they are sore they still work, this is just a way of life.
So why is it that when you exercise you need to take days off? Do you think you work harder flipping tires 3x's a week then a man that loads 48' trailers full of truck tires every single day 5 days a week for years.
Do you think pulling a sled with 100 lbs on it across a parking lot is like pulling around pallet jacks with 1000lb skids on it.
Or maybe you think kettlebell training is harder then moving furniture for years.
How many farmers take days off after 15 hours of labor? None they would starve.
This is why using your body weight is so important.
It forces you to use as many muscles as possible, almost any body weight exercise uses many muscles and the more muscles you use over time the stronger you will become.
Training is a way of life, real strength is built by putting in the time and doing it over and over again until it becomes part of your life.
Don't think too much into it, just train hard and listen to your body and you will get results.
Toughness Builds Winners

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