Fever And Runny Nose - Let The Nature Help You Deal With Them (Part 2)
The article describes simple guidelines on how to treat runny nose and fever.
- Mix raspberry fruits (2 parts), horse foot leaves (2 parts) and marjoram tops (1 part).
Infuse a tablespoon of the mix of herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave the tincture to brew for 20-30 minutes.
Afterwards, decant it and drink half a glass of hot infusion 3-4 times a day as a great perspiratory remedy.
The remedy is proven to fight fever and reduce the temperature of your body. - Juice bloody crane's-bill and drop 2 drops of the juice in your nose 3-4 times a day to treat runny nose.
- Mix raspberry fruits (1 part), raspberry leaves (2 parts), marjoram tops (2 parts) and horse foot leaves (2 parts).
Infuse a tablespoon of the mix of herbs with 2 glasses of boiling water and continue to boil the tincture on a small fire for 5-10 minutes.
Afterwards, decant it and drink half a glass of hot decoction 3-4 times a day before meal.
It is a great remedy to reduce fever.
The remedy is proven to have anti-inflammatory action. - Drop 3 drops of pot marigold juice in your nose 3-4 times a day to deal with rhinitis.
- Juice horse foot or make an infusion and drop 2-3 drops of the remedy in your nose 3-4 times a day.
It is a great remedy to treat runny nose. - Mix red bilberry fruits and sprigs.
Infuse a tablespoon of the mix of herbs with a glass of boiling water and let the infusion settle for half an hour.
Afterwards, decant it and take 2 tablespoons of the infusion 4-5 times a day.
The remedy is proven to fight fever and inflammation. - Mix red bilberry fruits, leaves and sprigs with wild strawberry leaves.
Infuse a tablespoon of the mix of herbs with a glass of water and bring the infusion to a boil.
Afterwards, decant it and add honey.
Drink half a glass or a glass of warm decoction 3-4 times a day to deal with fever.
Moreover, the remedy possesses anti-inflammatory quality. - Infuse 5 tablespoons of dried sweet briar fruits with a glass of cold water and boil the infusion for 10 minutes.
Afterwards, wrap the pot up and let the decoction brew for 8-10 hours.
Decant it and drink half a glass or a glass of the decoction every 2-3 hours to reduce the temperature of your body.
You can add honey, sugar or jam to the remedy.