Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Fish Oil to Help Treat Arteriosclerosis

This can lead to some incredibly bad health problems including high blood pressure, heart attack, and even a stroke.
The reason that it can cause a stroke is because the plaque can crowd the arteries and create a situation in which the blood mistakenly begins to thicken.
This creates a clot that can travel to any part of the body, but is most life threatening in the heart, brain and lungs.
It is interesting to note that omega oil supplements can often provide the body with a way of breaking down the clots before they become a lethal threat.
Also, when any plaque breaks away from the wall of an artery, it may travel to the brain or the heart and cause a stroke or cardiac arrest as well.
Obviously, if the plaque can be prevented from developing it is an optimal situation, and the Omega 3 benefits in oils omega 3 will allow just that.
Interestingly enough, the use of Omega fish oil pills can actually help to reduce all of these issues.
This is because the omega oil benefits are so comprehensive and include:
  • A reduction in bad cholesterol and an increase in good cholesterol;
  • The prevention of arterial plaque development and the dissolution of clots;
  • Decreased blood pressure; and
  • Thinning of the blood
What is important to remember is that it is usually from the best fish oil supplements that the most reliable effects are enjoyed.
This is because many modern consumers obtain their fish oil dosage from a supplement rather than a food source.
They do this because they do not want to eat large quantities of fish on a daily basis, or because they are concerned about pollutants in the ocean waters.
A good supplement provides adequate amounts without any harmful ingredients.

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