Why Smoke Cigarettes? 3 Reasons Why People Smoke and Why They Are False
It almost seems common knowledge today that smoking is bad for you.
Why smoke cigarettes then? What benefit could there be to smoking? Even though most smokers know the risk of their habit they may have formed their own reasons to continue smoking.
Make no mistake that smoking is bad and negatively impacts every area of a smoker's life from their health to their finances.
Once again, smokers know this but may have come to certain conclusions to justify continuing to smoke.
Many of these reasons are not true and may cause them to continue smoking unnecessarily.
Listed below are three of the main reasons that people continue to smoke and why they are not true.
Smoking Relaxes Me Many people continue smoking because they feel smoking relaxes them.
This is just not true.
As a matter of fact nicotine is a stimulant and raises blood pressure.
Any relaxation the smoker feels when they light up is temporary and is only because they are giving their body the nicotine is craves, which leads us to reason number two.
I am Addicted to Nicotine A lot of smokers excuse themselves from trying to quit smoking because they believe they are just too addicted to nicotine to quit.
The truth of the matter that the only thing that feeds the addiction to nicotine is smoking that next cigarette.
The physical addiction to nicotine passes with less than a week of quitting smoking.
By this time all the nicotine has passed out of the smoker's system.
It is Too Hard to Quit Smoking Many people feel it is just too hard to quit smoking.
Maybe they have tried to quit in the past and failed and feel they just do not have the "will power" to quit.
Look at it this way, every day thousands of people quit smoking.
They are in no way stronger or possess more will power than anyone else.
There are so many different methods to help smokers kick their habit.
Methods like NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming give smokers an incredibly great chance of quitting smoking in their first, or next, attempt.
Everyone knows smoking is bad for them so why smoke? Cigarettes destroy your health, your looks, and your finances.
Do not fall into the trap of justifying your habit.
There are no good reasons to smoke.
Quitting smoking is the best decision you will make in your lifetime.
Find the help you need and quit smoking, you deserve it.
Why smoke cigarettes then? What benefit could there be to smoking? Even though most smokers know the risk of their habit they may have formed their own reasons to continue smoking.
Make no mistake that smoking is bad and negatively impacts every area of a smoker's life from their health to their finances.
Once again, smokers know this but may have come to certain conclusions to justify continuing to smoke.
Many of these reasons are not true and may cause them to continue smoking unnecessarily.
Listed below are three of the main reasons that people continue to smoke and why they are not true.
Smoking Relaxes Me Many people continue smoking because they feel smoking relaxes them.
This is just not true.
As a matter of fact nicotine is a stimulant and raises blood pressure.
Any relaxation the smoker feels when they light up is temporary and is only because they are giving their body the nicotine is craves, which leads us to reason number two.
I am Addicted to Nicotine A lot of smokers excuse themselves from trying to quit smoking because they believe they are just too addicted to nicotine to quit.
The truth of the matter that the only thing that feeds the addiction to nicotine is smoking that next cigarette.
The physical addiction to nicotine passes with less than a week of quitting smoking.
By this time all the nicotine has passed out of the smoker's system.
It is Too Hard to Quit Smoking Many people feel it is just too hard to quit smoking.
Maybe they have tried to quit in the past and failed and feel they just do not have the "will power" to quit.
Look at it this way, every day thousands of people quit smoking.
They are in no way stronger or possess more will power than anyone else.
There are so many different methods to help smokers kick their habit.
Methods like NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming give smokers an incredibly great chance of quitting smoking in their first, or next, attempt.
Everyone knows smoking is bad for them so why smoke? Cigarettes destroy your health, your looks, and your finances.
Do not fall into the trap of justifying your habit.
There are no good reasons to smoke.
Quitting smoking is the best decision you will make in your lifetime.
Find the help you need and quit smoking, you deserve it.