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How to Plant a Flag Pole

    • 1). Dig a hole about three to four times larger in diameter than the flagpole. You will need to bury about 10 percent of the flagpole in the ground, which will typically require a 24-inch-deep hole.

    • 2). Place a few inches of bedrock in the bottom of the hole.

    • 3). Mix the concrete with water in the wheelbarrow. Turn the concrete with the shovel to ensure that the entire mixture is wet. The exact amount of concrete needed will depend upon the size of the hole. A good rule of thumb is to mix one part water with two parts cement mix; however, check your product packing for specific mixing instructions and quantities needed.

    • 4). Place a PVC pipe in the center of the hole. The PVC pipe should be just slightly larger than the diameter of the actual pole and should be level with the ground. If you were to place the flagpole into the wet cement it would be too heavy and fall over. Using a PVC pipe as a sleeve adds support and ensures that the pole will stand level once the cement dries.

    • 5). Pour concrete around the sleeve. Tamp the concrete carefully to ensure that it is compact around the flagpole sleeve. Do not get any concrete inside the sleeve where it might come into contact with the flagpole.

    • 6). Place the level against the flagpole. Make sure that the bubble is in the two lines of the level. Adjust the flagpole and sleeve as necessary until the level indicates that the pole is plumb.

    • 7). Remove the flagpole slowly from the sleeve. This allows the concrete to cure without the added weight of the heavy pole. Allow the cement to dry and set for about 24 hours before replanting the flagpole.

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