How to Use a JC Penney Food Processor
- 1). Choose the appropriate blade. Use the blade with two curved prongs to chop food. The shredding blade has many small holes to create extremely thin pieces. The slicing blade has a raised portion to slice pieces of the food as it passes by the blade. Other blades that are sometimes included are a dough blade (which has two straight prongs), an egg whip (two prongs with paddles), a julienne blade (a row of jagged metal sticking up) and a french fry blade (a larger row of jagged metal).
- 2). Secure the blade onto the food processor. Chopping or whipping food requires pushing the blade down to the bottom of the bowl, sliding it onto the rail in the middle of the bowl. Shredding or grating food requires setting the blade onto the top of the rail, where it will fit securely at the top of the bowl. It's easy to tell which blade should be set at the top and which at the bottom, because the hole in the middle of the blade is shaped in a manner so there's only one way it will fit on the rail.
- 3). On a chopping board, cut large food into smaller pieces so it fit in the food processor.
- 1). Put the lid on the food processor and secure the plastic feed tube attachment on top.
- 2). Place food pieces into the feed tube and place the plunger on top of the food.
- 3). Turn on the food processor.
- 4). Push the food down through the feed tube, pressing on the food with the plunger until it is all processed.
- 1). Place the pieces of food in the food processor.
- 2). Place the lid on the food processor.
- 3). Turn on the food processor and process the food until it is all chopped or whipped as desired. For harder foods, such as garlic cloves or onions, use the "Pulse" function, which stops every second to allow the food to settle so that it gets processed evenly.
- 4). Stir every 5 seconds as necessary to produce an even consistency.