Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

How to Tune a Tippmann X7 Velocity

    • 1). Switch on your Tippmann X7's safety.

    • 2). Cock the marker back until it locks into place and screw a full air supply cylinder into your gun's air supply adapter, turning the tank until it won't turn anymore.

    • 3). Load two or three paintballs into the Tippmann X7's paintball hopper, switch off the safety and fire a few shots, measuring the velocity using a chronograph--a device used to measure the speed of a flying object.

    • 4). Hold or lay your Tippmann X7 so the right side is facing you.

    • 5). Turn the velocity adjustment screw located above the feeder manual advance lever using a 3/16-inch Allen wrench, turning the screw clockwise to lower the velocity and counterclockwise to increase it.

    • 6). Continue tweaking the velocity as needed in accordance with the chronograph until you're satisfied with the results. Tippmann recommends setting your velocity to 300 feet per second.

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