Will The People Of America Be Taking Back Their Power? Predictions for 2008
I just can't help but ask about the future.
Everyone seems to be interested in it.
I guess it's hardwired into human nature to want to know what is coming down the line.
Although I now understand that we have a very great ability to influence the future, I still look around online for any new predictions to check out.
I'm not a psychic, but I have been working with one for many years.
Usually I don't ask Marjorie (or actually Kwan Yin, as channeled through her) about predictions, but about how she would describe the energy of the near future.
I don't even ask about the far future because there are so many variables that things can change radically.
For instance, If anyone has been following Edgar Cayce predictions from his time in the 1930s, you will see that he got a lot of things right in the short term, but as for the radical earth changes that were supposed to occur in the 90s and 2000, well, they just never happened.
This goes for Nostradamus and many others.
This just goes to show how we can affect the future through our actions.
Just remember this though: these things they talked about may still yet occur, but in a different time frame and in less severity.
When I was asking questions back in 2000, Kwan Yin started counting down the years to 2012, giving a few words for each year.
Unfortunately, I could not include it in the book, as she asked me not to for her own reasons, and I always respect the Ascended Masters wishes (or anyone's wishes for privacy).
When she got to 2008, she said there would be a "big mess.
" At that time, it seemed so far away that I just let it go.
About a couple of years ago, I asked about it again and she said it had to do with political problems.
I still didn't follow that up.
I just figured there were always some type political maneuverings going on.
Then, just recently, I wanted to make a CD of questions and answer sessions, and I brought it up again because we are so close.
The first thing she said was that at the end of 2007, she would liken the energy to a thunderstorm coming in, where some people see it as refreshing and cleansing, whereas others will be very afraid.
Then we got to 2008.
I asked her if this was the year that had been foreseen by others where there would be a US presidential election and neither candidate could be declared the winner and it would cause a lot of problems? She said that this event has already past (I am assuming she means the 2000 election of Bush/Gore and all the craziness that ensued).
So if this is not the "big mess" she was referring to so long ago, what is it? Evidently, she foresees that people will start to become very discontent with the way things are being managed.
I mean very discontent.
She said that people will realize that they have given their power away and they will want it back.
Some will just be angry at the way things are and the limited choice.
Some will loudly fight to get back what they have lost, and some will just withdraw and seek a different lifestyle or group of people that reflects their desire to live simply, peacefully and more authentically, taking on more responsibility for their life so that they can have more freedom.
This last group of dissenters she mentioned will be growing and growing in numbers.
She says there will be a lot of these folks just dropping out of the system.
One other thing came up unintentionally as well.
She said that part of the dissatisfaction of freedom was linked to the feeling that we could not move about freely because of the price of gas.
Therefore, she says that there may be a war over oil.
When I probed a little further, saying that this seems like it is already happening in many places, she said it could be very "out loud.
" This is verbal shorthand for 'this will be big enough to get people's attention and will involve weapons.
' In the time leading up to 2012 (a very potent point in time of radical energetic shifts), the world is experiencing a series of rapidfire evolutionary jumps compressed into decades, then compressed again into years.
I believe that 2008-2010 will bring unprecedented change at breakneck speed, and then speed up again from 2010-2012.
Yet with all the change and complexity, Kwan Yin councils as she always has: live simply; simplify your life.
Live close to the earth, to nature, and take time to meditate.
As we feel like time is eluding us and we get behind on all that we feel we need to do, she asks us to do less, not more.
In doing this, we connect with ourselves and with God in a way that will bring us into a new life, a life where what we need in the moment is freely given and details and plans are not really necessary.
As we do this, we leave space for the entrance of Spirit into our lives, co-creating a beautiful existence full of synchronicity, love and peace.
And that is the future that I want.
Hopefully, we will all be there together.
Everyone seems to be interested in it.
I guess it's hardwired into human nature to want to know what is coming down the line.
Although I now understand that we have a very great ability to influence the future, I still look around online for any new predictions to check out.
I'm not a psychic, but I have been working with one for many years.
Usually I don't ask Marjorie (or actually Kwan Yin, as channeled through her) about predictions, but about how she would describe the energy of the near future.
I don't even ask about the far future because there are so many variables that things can change radically.
For instance, If anyone has been following Edgar Cayce predictions from his time in the 1930s, you will see that he got a lot of things right in the short term, but as for the radical earth changes that were supposed to occur in the 90s and 2000, well, they just never happened.
This goes for Nostradamus and many others.
This just goes to show how we can affect the future through our actions.
Just remember this though: these things they talked about may still yet occur, but in a different time frame and in less severity.
When I was asking questions back in 2000, Kwan Yin started counting down the years to 2012, giving a few words for each year.
Unfortunately, I could not include it in the book, as she asked me not to for her own reasons, and I always respect the Ascended Masters wishes (or anyone's wishes for privacy).
When she got to 2008, she said there would be a "big mess.
" At that time, it seemed so far away that I just let it go.
About a couple of years ago, I asked about it again and she said it had to do with political problems.
I still didn't follow that up.
I just figured there were always some type political maneuverings going on.
Then, just recently, I wanted to make a CD of questions and answer sessions, and I brought it up again because we are so close.
The first thing she said was that at the end of 2007, she would liken the energy to a thunderstorm coming in, where some people see it as refreshing and cleansing, whereas others will be very afraid.
Then we got to 2008.
I asked her if this was the year that had been foreseen by others where there would be a US presidential election and neither candidate could be declared the winner and it would cause a lot of problems? She said that this event has already past (I am assuming she means the 2000 election of Bush/Gore and all the craziness that ensued).
So if this is not the "big mess" she was referring to so long ago, what is it? Evidently, she foresees that people will start to become very discontent with the way things are being managed.
I mean very discontent.
She said that people will realize that they have given their power away and they will want it back.
Some will just be angry at the way things are and the limited choice.
Some will loudly fight to get back what they have lost, and some will just withdraw and seek a different lifestyle or group of people that reflects their desire to live simply, peacefully and more authentically, taking on more responsibility for their life so that they can have more freedom.
This last group of dissenters she mentioned will be growing and growing in numbers.
She says there will be a lot of these folks just dropping out of the system.
One other thing came up unintentionally as well.
She said that part of the dissatisfaction of freedom was linked to the feeling that we could not move about freely because of the price of gas.
Therefore, she says that there may be a war over oil.
When I probed a little further, saying that this seems like it is already happening in many places, she said it could be very "out loud.
" This is verbal shorthand for 'this will be big enough to get people's attention and will involve weapons.
' In the time leading up to 2012 (a very potent point in time of radical energetic shifts), the world is experiencing a series of rapidfire evolutionary jumps compressed into decades, then compressed again into years.
I believe that 2008-2010 will bring unprecedented change at breakneck speed, and then speed up again from 2010-2012.
Yet with all the change and complexity, Kwan Yin councils as she always has: live simply; simplify your life.
Live close to the earth, to nature, and take time to meditate.
As we feel like time is eluding us and we get behind on all that we feel we need to do, she asks us to do less, not more.
In doing this, we connect with ourselves and with God in a way that will bring us into a new life, a life where what we need in the moment is freely given and details and plans are not really necessary.
As we do this, we leave space for the entrance of Spirit into our lives, co-creating a beautiful existence full of synchronicity, love and peace.
And that is the future that I want.
Hopefully, we will all be there together.