Homemade Paint Vs Normal Paint
When we need to paint something we usually go to the specialized store and buy the necessary paint.
We don't even spend a minute thinking that there might be an alternative to doing that.
Paint seems to be something very complex which is beyond the knowledge of the common human being.
The reality is that normal paint is simply a mixture between pigments, fillers and a binder or glue which helps it adhere to the walls.
This is the basic recipe.
Knowing it we can start making our own paint with things we find around our houses.
Of course the results might not be very satisfactory at the beginning because the amounts of ingredients may differ from case to case.
Let's make the effort of imagining where did people get the colors for their paints, before handyman's shops appeared.
They used the ingredients above and they obtained homemade paint of whatever color they wished, from colors found in nature.
Nowadays pigments for paint can be either harmless or very harmful.
The most appreciated ones for their non- toxicity are the ones coming from natural mineral and plant sources.
Homemade paint usually appears in children's activities, being less toxic than the normal paint.
There are several ways through which you can obtain homemade paint.
Some are based on starch, water and food coloring; others can be made of powder milk, water and powder tempera.
Children have a lot of fun both when they help mixing these ingredients and when using them.
One of the most enjoyable activities for them is face-painting.
Homemade face-paint has a special recipe which includes: cornstarch, water, cream and food coloring.
This paint seems to be the best choice because it can be environment-friendly.
Nevertheless it has one major flaw: it is not waterproof, so leaving aside children's activities, the practical use of this paint is rather limited.
You should not paint your exterior walls with homemade paint.
It might be washed off by the first rain.
Sometimes choosing a normal paint is the right thing to do.
High quality paints are made with nontoxic substances, making them acceptable even for babies' rooms.
The idea that paint stinks is no longer true.
There are numberless products on the market, made by companies who understood that eco-friendly and human-friendly paints are the next step in the painting industry.
We don't even spend a minute thinking that there might be an alternative to doing that.
Paint seems to be something very complex which is beyond the knowledge of the common human being.
The reality is that normal paint is simply a mixture between pigments, fillers and a binder or glue which helps it adhere to the walls.
This is the basic recipe.
Knowing it we can start making our own paint with things we find around our houses.
Of course the results might not be very satisfactory at the beginning because the amounts of ingredients may differ from case to case.
Let's make the effort of imagining where did people get the colors for their paints, before handyman's shops appeared.
They used the ingredients above and they obtained homemade paint of whatever color they wished, from colors found in nature.
Nowadays pigments for paint can be either harmless or very harmful.
The most appreciated ones for their non- toxicity are the ones coming from natural mineral and plant sources.
Homemade paint usually appears in children's activities, being less toxic than the normal paint.
There are several ways through which you can obtain homemade paint.
Some are based on starch, water and food coloring; others can be made of powder milk, water and powder tempera.
Children have a lot of fun both when they help mixing these ingredients and when using them.
One of the most enjoyable activities for them is face-painting.
Homemade face-paint has a special recipe which includes: cornstarch, water, cream and food coloring.
This paint seems to be the best choice because it can be environment-friendly.
Nevertheless it has one major flaw: it is not waterproof, so leaving aside children's activities, the practical use of this paint is rather limited.
You should not paint your exterior walls with homemade paint.
It might be washed off by the first rain.
Sometimes choosing a normal paint is the right thing to do.
High quality paints are made with nontoxic substances, making them acceptable even for babies' rooms.
The idea that paint stinks is no longer true.
There are numberless products on the market, made by companies who understood that eco-friendly and human-friendly paints are the next step in the painting industry.