Birthstones for Your Baby"s Birth Month
Friday, May/31/2019
Updated June 08, 2015.
Historically jewels have been assigned to birth for as long as we can remember. Originally it was based on the Zodiac, but later each stone came to represent the month of birth instead. Each stone is said to have different qualities but it is believed that wearing your birth stone brings good luck. There are also cultural variances to which stone represents which month.
Historically jewels have been assigned to birth for as long as we can remember. Originally it was based on the Zodiac, but later each stone came to represent the month of birth instead. Each stone is said to have different qualities but it is believed that wearing your birth stone brings good luck. There are also cultural variances to which stone represents which month.
- January Birthstone: Garnet
- February Birthstone: Amethyst
- March Birthstone: Aquamarine
- April Birthstone: Diamond
- May Birthstone: Emerald
- June Birthstone: Pearl
- July Birthstone: Ruby
- August Birthstone: Peridot
- September Birthstone: Sapphire
- October Birthstone: Opal
- November Birthstone: Topaz
- December Birthstone: Turquoise
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