How to Make Wire-Wrapped Gemstones
- 1). Measure the length of the gemstone with the tape measure. Multiply the length by five and cut two pieces of wire this measurement.
- 2). Place one wire piece vertically on a flat work surface and lay the second wire piece horizontally over the first one, crossing the two pieces at the center points.
- 3). Twist the wires around each other two or three times tightly to join the wires securely. Extend each of the four wires out from the center point in the four cardinal directions.
- 4). Hold the gemstone in your fingers with the bottom of the gemstone facing down. Place the twisted wires beneath the gemstone so the twisted point rests at the bottom of the gem.
- 5). Pull the wires up and around the sides if the gem, pressing and molding them to conform to the shape of the stone. Twist the wire in front with the wire on the right side about halfway between the bottom and top of the gem. Cross the wires once, press them tightly against the gem and then separate the wires. Twist the other two wires in the same fashion.
- 6). Bring all four wires together at the top of the gemstone. Bend one wire out from this point at a 90 degree angle. Grasp this wire tightly with the chain nose pliers and wrap it around the wires four or five times as tightly as you can. Clip off the excess wire with the wire cutters.
- 7). Shape two of the three remaining wires into decorative curls to sit at the top of the gemstone. Use a round nose pliers to grasp the ends of each wire and turn the pliers to curl the wire.
- 8). Grasp the one remaining wire and shape it into a circle at the top of the gemstone. At the base of the circle, wrap the end of the wire tightly to secure the loop. Use this loop for attaching the gemstone to jewelry.