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Dating Guidelines For Men

Dating Guidelines for Men

Exactly what is good dating etiquette for men? Wouldn't you love to get the lowdown on some dating guidelines for men? Knowing the dos and don'ts can take a man a long way to genuine dating success.

In order to help you men with your skills, I wanted to give you eight very important dating tips. Follow them to a tee and share your new found dating techniques with your buddies so they can be the local lover man in their postal district.

Without further delay, let's jump right into the top eight dating guidelines for men.

Dating Guideline #1 – Just do you! Going overboard on date in trying to be what you think is the "perfect" guy. While it is important that you want to impress her, it is never a good idea to come off to a woman as fake.  Basically be yourself, but just on your best behavior. You don't want to have a few too many drinks trying to relax and end up making a fool of yourself and upsetting her.

Dating Guideline #2 – Be a man, but don't go overboard with trying to be a manly man or a tough guy. You have to walk a fine line between being in touch with your emotions and being a confident strong person. You can give your lady flowers and chocolate, but you don't want to come off as needy. If you try to over compensate for something you think you are "lacking" in or feel like you have to prove yourself in some way, it ends up being a huge turn off.  Both extremes show insecurity.

Dating Guideline #3 – Be a little unpredictable. Building anticipation in a relationship can be a terrific way to increase the thrill of the chase.  Avoid the dating rut by doing different things. Don't go rob a bank or get caught up in a high speed chase, but try a hike, take a day class or a drive to the seaside instead of always doing just a dinner and a movie. This shows your versatility, which really gets her going.

Dating Guideline #4 – Be courteous. Pretty much all women need to feel respected.  Her time and feelings are just as important as yours. If you say you are going to meet up somewhere- show up on time.  If you say you are going to call, call. If something comes up which may delay you, don't just blow it off. Let her know right away and reschedule another time that will work for both of you. She will lose respect for you right away. Your word is bond. Follow through with action. You have to give respect to get respect

Dating Guideline #5 – Who should pay?  This is a tricky question. If you have suggested a specific place or it's the first date, you should be paying. Otherwise, it is reasonable for each party to take turns to pay. This is especially true the longer the two of you are together and you are pooling your money together.

Dating Guideline #6- How much time should pass between dates? If it is a week or longer between dates, you can pretty much consider yourself friends. The relationship isn't going to go very far. When a woman is interested in you, even if she works out of town, she will not wait that long to call you. If you had a good time and can't wait to see her again, this is good. However, don't reveal your cards right away. This all plays into building anticipation. Wait a day or two tops.

Dating Guideline #7- As a good rule of thumb, after the second or third date, it is time to stop seeing other people. If you are not sure, don't make any assumptions. Ask her if she would like to go steady with you. This is much better than being caught shopping around for other partners. There is nothing worse than a woman's scorn. Don't mess it up for other men by trying to be a player.

Dating Guideline #8- When complimenting a woman be genuine and sincere. Above all else, put some actual thought behind saying what you like about her. A man giving false flattery is one of the biggest dating offenses men commit. Keep the compliments to a believable amount and quality.

There you have it- the top eight dating guidelines for men. The one guideline that is not covered in this review, but is most important is knowing who you are dating- and this is not referring to the woman. This is you. You attract what you feel inside. If you have unresolved issues with yourself, you will only sabotage your relationships. If you don't want a fake woman, then you need to be real with yourself.

It is time to get out there and take life by the horns. Take the dating guidelines for men and put them to good use. Read below in my bio if you are a man who needs more dating tips and advice.

Happy dating and have lots of fun.


"Dating Guidelines for Men"

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