Dating Game Secrets
The dating game is one of the greatest social lies ever told, it seems almost deliberately engineered to ensure that a man is as unattractive as possible.
Why this may have come about is beyond the scope of this article, and the debate on the reasons why it came about could rage on for hundreds of pages.
It appears almost designed to create situations and behaviors that elicit the most unattractive qualities from a man.
Forget whatever you've been told about what attracts a woman; forget even what they've told you are attractive.
The truth is that even women themselves have little insight into what they find attractive, they are notorious for making rationalizations of emotional decisions after the fact.
You do not need to wine and dine.
You do not need to treat her like a princess.
You do not need to be lavish in your gifts.
You do not need to believe that you're lucky to have her.
Of course you can pay for meals, of course you can buy her a drink - the point is that if you do these things it is because you want to and not because you believe that you'll get something out of it.
Leave the dating game behind, it will do you no favors.
If you do manage to get laid in the dating game it's despite it and not because of it.
The games are over and it's time to level the playing field.
The new strategy is this: Women experience attraction emotionally and not logically, display and develop the characteristics that are biologically attractive (rather than want you've been conditioned to believe) and seduction will become a simple, pleasurable process in which you will have the power of choice.
Why this may have come about is beyond the scope of this article, and the debate on the reasons why it came about could rage on for hundreds of pages.
It appears almost designed to create situations and behaviors that elicit the most unattractive qualities from a man.
Forget whatever you've been told about what attracts a woman; forget even what they've told you are attractive.
The truth is that even women themselves have little insight into what they find attractive, they are notorious for making rationalizations of emotional decisions after the fact.
You do not need to wine and dine.
You do not need to treat her like a princess.
You do not need to be lavish in your gifts.
You do not need to believe that you're lucky to have her.
Of course you can pay for meals, of course you can buy her a drink - the point is that if you do these things it is because you want to and not because you believe that you'll get something out of it.
Leave the dating game behind, it will do you no favors.
If you do manage to get laid in the dating game it's despite it and not because of it.
The games are over and it's time to level the playing field.
The new strategy is this: Women experience attraction emotionally and not logically, display and develop the characteristics that are biologically attractive (rather than want you've been conditioned to believe) and seduction will become a simple, pleasurable process in which you will have the power of choice.