Technology Computer & Networking security

Network Security - Important Aspect

Few weeks, thanks to my antivirus service, ago my friend realized that it had detected an 'intruder' in the local wireless network at my house, so my friend immediately went to the options of the software to find out more. What was my surprise to see the name of one of my neighbors followed by '-PC'? Needless to say, this might put me out of my mind, but something about it did better.

At first, my friend wanted to see if through the antivirus could find a way to block access from the computer to my network, but only found a way to make this device as an 'unwanted' in the WLAN. The truth is that, despite warnings to change the type of network security by the company providing the service me, my friend preferred to leave everything as is the idea that "my neighbors are not the type who would walk hacking my network to hang it. "How wrong my friend was.
In fact, today it is completely unnecessary to have advanced computer skills to do something like previously mentioned. These physical places, as in any virtual internet corner, one can find a way to do what you want, when you want; the best excuse that can be found is to save a few bucks.
Having meditated on all that, my friend thought of two options: Go directly home from my neighbors, I know that the person whose name appears on my screen as 'So-PC' lives, and ask them to stop taking my network, or more effective: Change once and for all the safety of my service.

At first, we must define what we mean by the term 'network security'. That is, the type of encryption used on the wireless network to restrict home computers that connect to it is with our permission. These are:
-Low-level WEP security is the type of security that have default most wireless networks.
-WPA-medium security level: this type of security has a default password, but still quite vulnerable.
-WPA2-high security level: here a predefined password lets you create authentication keys for each user (PSK) network is mixed.

The main advantage of using WPA or WPA2 to WEP, besides the obvious, is that the WEP encryption key has to be entirely easier to bend, while WPA authenticates users via a server where credentials and passwords are stored of each. As you can not in all domestic environments using a server with WPA have the option of a shared key (pre-shared key or PSK), which is safer and enters all connected to the network, as is done with WEP. In my case, my friend have enabled security is WEP, ie the most vulnerable. Now we have to change it to a safer level, so my friend will avoid more users around me infiltrate my WLAN.
Here we have collected links to information published by the major internet providers in Mexico with which you can access the settings of your wireless router and change the encryption more secure. Webimprints is a network security company that deals in such threats. Posted by Webimprints.

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