How Organic Bedding Helps the Environment
Look at your mattress and ask yourself this one important question: am I being environmentally responsible with this bed? Does having your current mattress pose any risk to your home and surroundings? You might think you have nothing to worry about - after all, how is a bed dangerous to anybody or anything? - but if you take the time to research your sleeping habits and materials you may discover there are ways to create a healthier and sounder place for rest with organic bedding.
You may think to yourself, "A mattress is a mattress, what's the difference?" Even in an organic state, bedding takes up the same amount of space and won't necessarily break down like recyclable paper, right? Well, consider what goes into a traditional mattress.
Saw one open and you're likely to find synthetic fabrics and stuffing, foam that is never destined to break down in your lifetime, and a host of chemicals used to the treat the fabrics and materials during the mattress's construction.
These chemicals are used mainly to keep the mattress stain resistant and free from mildew, yet what lingers can cause you irritation in the long run.
If you have ever had difficulty sleeping at night, it may have nothing to do with the firmness of your bed, but what's in or on it.
Cut open an organic mattress and what are you likely to find? Naturally grown products and byproducts like rubber, latex, wool and pure cotton typically comprise an eco-friendly mattress, and for one to be labeled truly organic the natural components must be a higher percentage than what synthetic material is there.
When you have a mattress that comes from sustainable sources and are manufactures in environmentally friendly factories, you have effectively cut a significant amount from your carbon footprint even before you've spent the night in bed! Organic mattresses are durable as well, and tend to last a long time and don't require flipping to maintain firmness.
For a good night's rest that aids your environment, try an organic mattress in bed.
You'll find comfort and can rest knowing you have helped your planet.
You may think to yourself, "A mattress is a mattress, what's the difference?" Even in an organic state, bedding takes up the same amount of space and won't necessarily break down like recyclable paper, right? Well, consider what goes into a traditional mattress.
Saw one open and you're likely to find synthetic fabrics and stuffing, foam that is never destined to break down in your lifetime, and a host of chemicals used to the treat the fabrics and materials during the mattress's construction.
These chemicals are used mainly to keep the mattress stain resistant and free from mildew, yet what lingers can cause you irritation in the long run.
If you have ever had difficulty sleeping at night, it may have nothing to do with the firmness of your bed, but what's in or on it.
Cut open an organic mattress and what are you likely to find? Naturally grown products and byproducts like rubber, latex, wool and pure cotton typically comprise an eco-friendly mattress, and for one to be labeled truly organic the natural components must be a higher percentage than what synthetic material is there.
When you have a mattress that comes from sustainable sources and are manufactures in environmentally friendly factories, you have effectively cut a significant amount from your carbon footprint even before you've spent the night in bed! Organic mattresses are durable as well, and tend to last a long time and don't require flipping to maintain firmness.
For a good night's rest that aids your environment, try an organic mattress in bed.
You'll find comfort and can rest knowing you have helped your planet.