Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Getting Rid of Dog Fleas - Tips to Make Your Pet Parasite Free

Sometimes in the quest to make pets free from parasites, we often tend to look for the fastest solution and that often means getting a pesticide that would control your dog's fleas.
However, this can also be harmful to our pet's health.
Some pesticides can be toxic and thus you have to be careful that you are not giving anything that can do more harm to your dog.
Getting rid of dog fleas can be tricky.
Sometimes it can disappear and reappear and what you need to do in order to control them is to learn about the pest.
Fleas feed on blood, thus they stay on the animal's skin to feed on their blood.
It is important to understand that fleas stay on the animal's skin only when they need to feed on it, but most of the time, they are on the animal's bedding or on the cracks on the floor.
It is also important to note that most commercial pesticides only kill adult fleas and may not address the entire parasite problem as it does eliminate eggs and larva of the parasite.
If you spot fleas on your pet's skin, calm down.
You don't have to go get the strongest pesticide you can find in the market.
Some pesticides may also be toxic to your pet, thus may not be the best way to address the problem If you want to learn some natural and safe ways in getting rid of dog fleas, here are some ideas and suggestions you might find useful.
Have a general, thorough cleaning of the house.
As mentioned, fleas can lay eggs on the dark cracks and crevices of the floor and on the animal's beddings, thus you can start eliminating them by vacuuming everything.
Make sure also that you burn the sweepings to kill the larvae and eggs as well.
Wash your pet's bedding as well and put them in a hot dryer to kill the adult fleas.
Keep in mind that cleaning and vacuuming should be done regularly in getting rid of dog fleas.
To control fleas, set a sleeping area for your pet dog where you can clean and control fleas easily.
You can also help by combing your pet dog's hair.
Taking care of your pet's hair will help drive these pests away.
Good grooming is also essential in getting rid of dog fleas.
Shampoo your dog with organic shampoo and add lemon to its rinse.
Other herbs that may help you combat these parasites are Rosemary, Eucalyptus and Citronella.
It is also important to bring your pet outside the house for hours if you are treating him with a flea repellent to make sure the parasites are driven out of the house as well.
Adding brewer's yeast and garlic to your dog's diet can also be beneficial in driving fleas away from the animal.
It is also important to keep your pet's skin healthy.
Some dogs are just prone to having parasites and that is because they have dry and itchy skin that can be easily infested by parasites.

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