Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Kids Goals - How Kids Goal Setting Can Start at a Young Age

We have all heard of the laws of attraction and probably read the book called "The Secret".
But take this one step further and realize that the number one way you can guarantee your child's success is to teach kids goal setting and how to use the laws of attraction starting at a young age.
What is the secret to wishing upon a star and making dreams come true? Short of a visit to Disney World, getting kids to start thinking about transforming their wishes and dreams into concrete thought and action at an early age can prime any child for a better future.
Unless you subscribe to the theory that you are due to win the lottery (and that is a whole other story, since many lotto winners end up broke within 2 years after winning a large prize), kids can realize that most likely their success will be the result of action they take toward their goals.
So that suggests it is never too early to set some goals as they are always tweaked and modified along the way anyways, but this helps establish a positive thought process of reaping what you sow, and so may start the sowing process early to ensure strong roots.
Positive self-esteem goes a long way for a child to have positive self worth and so parents should help foster positive self-esteem among children.
They should begin to develop a true sense of purpose which can carry them through thick and thin for the rest of their lives.
Kids can get the things they want and have fun doing it.
Bigger kids can practise visualization and goal setting on a regular basis.
Once it is clear to kids that wishes are actually tangible goals, that makes the process of dreams coming true easier to map out.
Once you define the wish as a goal, you can further map out steps toward actually achieving the goal.
Goals make wishes real.
(it is probably better to eat an ice cream than just think about it).
Why are goals for kids important? Because they turn abstract wishes into real things that you can decide to do (take action) something about.
Even if it is initially just in the form of wanting the wish to come true so much that you decide to help it manifest; you give power to your wish.
The power of your mind that then begins to attract positive reinforcement as the wish comes into focus.

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