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Differences Between a Liftmaster 970LM and 370LM


    • The Liftmaster 370LM transmits at 315 MHz whereas the Liftmaster 970LM transmits at 390 MHz.

    "Learn" Button Color

    • Remote control operated garage door openers have "Learn" buttons near the antenna wire. These buttons come in different colors that indicate an opener's frequency. If the "Learn" button on your remote is purple, you should use the Liftmaster 370LM. If the "Learn" button is orange or red, you should use the Liftmaster 970LM.

    Antenna Color

    • Garage door opener antennas come in different colors. If your opener's antenna is purple, you should use the Liftmaster 370LM. Use the Liftmaster 970LM if your opener's antenna is gray.

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