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Homemade Masonry Tools

    All Metal Body Hammer

    • With a steel pipe and a large steel railroad nail, you can construct an all-metal hammer for cracking chunks of stone easily and effectively without having to use a large piece of equipment. Weld the steel railroad nail to the steel pipe, melding the two as securely as you possibly can. Allow this to cool and make sure it is securely attached and won't split apart, as you will be hammering it into solid rock. To minimize vibrations through the metal, wrap a piece of rubber or a lot of tape around the lower part of the steel pipe to keep it from stinging you when you hit something.

    Mortar Bag

    • Make a reusable mortar bag from an old tarp, to help you spread mortar between bricks and stones more easily and efficiently. Take a piece of tarp and cut out a large square of it, depending on how big you want your masonry bag to be. Roll this section of tarp into a cone and sew the loose edge together so it is almost water tight. You will now have a cone made out of a thick, waterproof material. Cut a small hole in the bottom of it so that the mortar can be squeezed out. This is similar to an icing spreader that cake makers use to decorate cakes. Pour the liquid mortar into the cone and then squeeze it slowly but surely between the bricks and stones you need to mortar.


    • Chisels can be made out of large pieces of metal which have been sanded down to sharper points. Old ice cream scoops can be augmented to make into a good masonry chisel. Use a metal grinder or extreme heat to meld the metal into a shape that could effectively be used to chisel away stone and mortar. Just about any piece of strong metal, like steel or iron, can be shaped into one of these types of homemade masonry chisels.

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