Business & Finance Blogging

Why It"s More Important Than Ever To Backup Your WordPress Database And Files

I hope that you have heard of the concept of backing up your files, your website or even your WordPress blog.
It's something that everyone needs to do but so few people do it.
You need to backup your WordPress site because it's better safe than sorry, because you might get hacked and because you might need some kind of an old file or even to see how your WordPress site used to look.
You might have heard that saying, you're better safe than sorry.
That means that it might not be fun to brush your teeth, but when you get cavities don't you wish you'd brushed your teeth more? It might not be fun to put on a seatbelt when you drive, but if ever get in a car wreck aren't you glad you wore that seatbelt? Well the same logic applies to backing up your WordPress blog.
It might seem tedious to backup a site and to spend those few minutes clicking a button for something that you might never use in the future.
But even if you're backing up a site every single week and you never need to use that backup.
It's a good thing to know that if you had to use it, if the worst happened, you could always get it back.
Even thought it might seem like a waste of time right now it's only a waste of time if nothing goes wrong.
If you lost the last several years of your WordPress blog you would have wished you spent those couple of minutes clicking the button and generating a WordPress website backup.
The next thing that might happen is that you might get hacked and if you've ever had spyware or a virus on your computer, you might know that it's a pain in the butt to try to clear that off.
To try to scan and remove anything that's on there.
But a way easier thing to do, if you ever get spy ware or a virus or a hacker on your WordPress blog is to just delete everything and start over.
Now if you had a backup you could just blow away the whole account, put it up somewhere else and restore your old WordPress Website.
Even if you knew how that person got in it, well then you can restore your website and fill the hole, but now you don't have to spend days or weeks trying to fix something that's broken.
Just delete it and put up the fresh, pristine copy of WordPress that was already there.
Don't you ever wish you had the very first website you ever created? Don't you wish you had the very first video, the first article you ever made? Most people don't have them, most people at some point have let that website, or those articles, go.
Now maybe at some point you accidentally deleted an article, deleted a video, deleted a graphic and you wanted to get back at it.
We've all been there, we've all lost files.
If you keep a weekly backup your chances of losing files are very, very low because you don't have to worry about where things are stored or organized.
Just go back to when you remember you had that file, restore the backup somewhere, even on a test site and grab the file that you need.

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