Health & Medical Body building

Advice For Thin People Who Lose Fat But Cannot Build Muscle

Thin does not always equal to being healthy For quite some time now we have been framing the debate about body weight control in terms of the fact that thin is equivalent to healthy while fat is equivalent to unhealthy.
The paradigm has caught on so firmly that whenever we talk of weight control people immediately think of the issues as being primarily focused on weight loss.
I agree with the premise that in the majority of cases thinner people will have less physical complications associated with weight when compared to the group that includes people who are overweight.
However we tend to focus on the extremes of this phenomenon without examining the various shades of truth that lie in between.
It does not follow that all overweight people are obese.
Furthermore the cultural and physical characteristics that differentiate individuals mean that there are no firm rules.
Rather the ideal weight is framed in terms of percentage increases that refer to the person's gender, age and height.
It is then clear to me that the old ways of pigeonhole theories that refuse to make allowance for variety are discredited.
What we have done is look at research and taken the majority rule without looking at the detail that adds nuance to all the various aspects of a person's ideal weight.
The other strange phenomenon is the existence of people who are thin and are apparently healthy but then they die of diseases such as cardiac arrest which are normally associated with people who are overweight.
This appears to be quite unique if examined from the stereotypical prejudices of a lay person.
However a deeper navigation of the contextual background to such an event can reveal that the person in question may not have had an ideal diet or exercise pattern.
We particularly frame health in outward appearance yet this is something that is at odds with the knowledge that in fact most of the things that bring bad health happen from within the body.
Apart from the skin and hair which can indicate poor health, we are not always fully aware of the health status of person when we first see them.
It seems that even thin people aware of this paradox and often you will find that many would like to build muscle.
It seems difficult to fathom why thin people seem to struggle with the muscle accumulation that appears to be easy for other groups of people.
Genetics have been cited as a possible explanation of this development.
If you are unable to build muscle then at least attempt to keep a healthy lifestyle because ultimately that is what will keep you alive for longer.
Acceptance might be an onerous piece of advice but it has to be acknowledged that some people will never put on weight no matter how much effort they put in.

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