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Donations: The Art of Selfless Giving

Mention the word "donation" and everyone raises their eyebrows.
To whom are we donating? Will the donation be used accountably? Is the donation relevant? Is it for a worthy course? Donation is very questionable especially when we feel the project to which we are donating is not trustworthy.
Regardless of the questions we might we have in our head; we should always remember the idea behind donations is to help.
We should help willingly.
Whenever we have a desire to help, God always rewards those who give.
However, we should not help with the expectation of getting something back.
Whether the course is not genuine or our donations might go to waste, we should leave that to God.
We live in a world where karma never sleeps and the world is always watching.
One might misuse or squander donations but one day they might need donation again.
Unfortunately for them, no one will be willing to waste their donation to an unworthy cause.
Recently, there has been news on how donations and funds of disabled children are going to people's pockets.
These children continue to suffer and languish in poverty.
How would someone who donated for such children are willing to donate again if called to do so.
The disabled children's situations is very sad knowing someone somewhere is dining and wining using what would have helped those children.
It is upon each individual to search their inner souls and fight for such children's happiness.
Donation entails helping the less fortunate or generally helping people who have a problem be if financial or physical.
Refugees in any country are a subject of donation.
They are homeless people and one could donate a piece of land to ensure their needs are catered for.
It is amazing how unity can solve huge problems as far as donation and averting problems is concerned.
In Kenya for instance there was n initiative aimed at saving hunger-stricken Kenyans in the North Eastern parts of Kenya in 2011.
The initiative was called Kenyans for Kenya.
It involved monetary donation which was sent to a specific mobile phone number.
Kenyans contributed millions of Kenya shillings which went miles in combating the hunger situation as food was bought and sent to those areas.
It is with such spirit and accountability that the initiative was very successful.
Following such an example, donations can go a long way in helping people.
Helping is not about one's financial status.
One need not to be rich to donate.

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