Trying to Conceive and Pregnancy Week 1
The dream of many women around the world is to become pregnant. And not to mention, having a child of their very own means more than anything else. Unfortunately conceiving a baby is not always the easiest process. A couple hoping to conceive and who are having problems often seek professional help. There are many services available to help to achieve this dream. One of the first things to consider when trying to get pregnant is to get proper fitness and practice a healthy lifestyle. These are important areas to begin focusing on. Hopefully before you know it, you’ll be 1 week pregnant. Become knowledgeable of the options for conceiving, so you understand which fits you best.
Seeking a specialist in infertility is a good option. Approximately 90% of infertile couples undergo some form of drug treatment or even surgery. Once a woman has conceived, she is in for a world of change, not only in her life but certainly her body. Most women, who are 1 week pregnant, do not know that they’ve conceived.
Being 1 week pregnant doesn’t present any obvious signs or symptoms of what has occurred. There are 40 total weeks of pregnancy. A woman who is 1 week pregnant is considered to be in her 1st trimester. At this point there are various unseen changes her body is undergoing.
This time in the pregnancy, is when symptoms like nausea and overall tiredness occur. Inside of the body, an egg has been fertilized and is beginning the growth process. This first week is sometimes characterized with a bit of spotting, which is a normal occurrence. Unless a woman is regularly performing early pregnancy tests, she will be surprised to have conceived.
By the time she is 2 weeks pregnant, an expecting mother’s body is continuing to make changes.
Her fertilized egg has now found a good spot to nestle into the uterus, in essence, setting up home for the next 9 months. When a woman is 2 weeks pregnant there is a higher likeliness to discover her condition, especially if her period has been missed.
Those who are 2 weeks pregnant will often have begun to see other differences in their bodies, and what they are feeling. These women will see new symptoms along with their nausea and fatigue. Breast sensitivity is one of these changes. A woman will notice that her breasts may be swollen and even sore to the touch. This is another normal expectant in the pregnancy process.
At 2 weeks pregnant, there is another change that may be less noticeable to the woman, but apparent to those around her. Most women undergo some sort of mood change. Whether triggered by physical changes, or purely from emotion, mood swings are a documented occurrence. Ask any husband of an expectant mother and he can confirm the existence of this change in his wife.
The emotional and physical changes in some women are very dramatic and will take time to get used to. This is all apart from the process that pregnancy takes. With understanding, the expectations can be dealt with wisely and soundly.
Seeking a specialist in infertility is a good option. Approximately 90% of infertile couples undergo some form of drug treatment or even surgery. Once a woman has conceived, she is in for a world of change, not only in her life but certainly her body. Most women, who are 1 week pregnant, do not know that they’ve conceived.
Being 1 week pregnant doesn’t present any obvious signs or symptoms of what has occurred. There are 40 total weeks of pregnancy. A woman who is 1 week pregnant is considered to be in her 1st trimester. At this point there are various unseen changes her body is undergoing.
This time in the pregnancy, is when symptoms like nausea and overall tiredness occur. Inside of the body, an egg has been fertilized and is beginning the growth process. This first week is sometimes characterized with a bit of spotting, which is a normal occurrence. Unless a woman is regularly performing early pregnancy tests, she will be surprised to have conceived.
By the time she is 2 weeks pregnant, an expecting mother’s body is continuing to make changes.
Her fertilized egg has now found a good spot to nestle into the uterus, in essence, setting up home for the next 9 months. When a woman is 2 weeks pregnant there is a higher likeliness to discover her condition, especially if her period has been missed.
Those who are 2 weeks pregnant will often have begun to see other differences in their bodies, and what they are feeling. These women will see new symptoms along with their nausea and fatigue. Breast sensitivity is one of these changes. A woman will notice that her breasts may be swollen and even sore to the touch. This is another normal expectant in the pregnancy process.
At 2 weeks pregnant, there is another change that may be less noticeable to the woman, but apparent to those around her. Most women undergo some sort of mood change. Whether triggered by physical changes, or purely from emotion, mood swings are a documented occurrence. Ask any husband of an expectant mother and he can confirm the existence of this change in his wife.
The emotional and physical changes in some women are very dramatic and will take time to get used to. This is all apart from the process that pregnancy takes. With understanding, the expectations can be dealt with wisely and soundly.