Cheats for GTA San Andres
- You must be in Cheat mode to enter cheat codes. Pause the game during play and enter your cheat code. Then press "Enter," and you will receive a "Cheat Activated" note on your screen. Use cheats as often as you like--you will not be penalized for using them.
- You can fire your weapon without reloading if you have unlimited ammunition. Ammunition typically is picked up one clip at a time during gameplay, so you must use ammunition sparingly. This can be troublesome when under enemy fire, as you must run off or be killed when you run out of ammunition. Enter cheat code "fullclip" to gain unlimited ammunition for the remainder of the character's life.
- Unlimited health is also helpful. When your character dies, you must begin the mission from the start. This is a hassle when you're trying to complete a long mission that requires skill to pass through. Enter cheat code "baguvix" to gain unlimited health. During normal play, you collect health a few units at a time. But this code will replenish your health levels for the remainder of the mission at hand.
- Nitrous helps cars move rapidly, especially helpful on time-trial missions or when chasing an enemy. Cars with nitrous usually are not available until late in the game, but cheat code "speedfreak" will give you unlimited nitrous for the remainder of the game.