How to Get the Wrinkles Out of a Pool Liner
- 1). Drain the pool if it is currently filled with water. If possible, it is always best to work with a clear, clean area. Getting wrinkles out of the pool liner while refilling the pool slowly will make the job easier.
- 2). Place a rag over the handle end of the pool brush, and secure it with rubber bands and duct tape. The rag is used to cause less friction between the pole and the liner wall so a tear does not occur.
- 3). Turn the hose on, and place it inside the pool. Once the water slowly fills the pool, the liner will shift on its own, which will help you to move it around more easily and remove wrinkles without using as much force.
- 4). Slowly push the vinyl lining around the pool. Do not push inward, causing the liner to break. Push the liner upward and sideways to adjust it and remove wrinkles and bubble pockets. Use your hands as well if you are in the pool. Watch the pool until it is completely filled, removing wrinkles as the water rises.
- 5). Use the plunger to remove any existing wrinkles once the pool is full. Do not use the plunger on the wrinkled area since that may easily tear the liner. Plunge the areas above, under and to the sides of the wrinkle to evenly spread the force over the entire area.