Home & Garden Architecture

How to Remove a Delta Shower Cartridge

    • 1). Shut off the water to the shower or to the entire house. Remove the access panel on the wall behind the shower's plumbing and turn the shutoff handle counterclockwise.

    • 2). Check the underside of the shower handle to locate a small screw securing the handle in place. If there is a screw, use an Allen wrench to remove the screw, then turn the handle counterclockwise to remove it from its assembly.

    • 3). Pull off the metal sleeve on the assembly by pulling it toward you. If the metal sleeve does not budge easily, turn it back and forth to loosen it to the point you can remove it.

    • 4). Remove the nut in the middle of the assembly by using a wrench to turn the nut counterclockwise. Don't apply too much force on the nut, since this may cause damage.

    • 5). Remove the cartridge by pulling it straight toward you. If the cartridge will not move, insert a small flat-head screwdriver between the cartridge and the water pipe to loosen the cartridge.

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