Health & Medical Acne

Acne Skin Treatments - Curing Your Acne Without A Prescription

The prevalence of information about Acne ranging from advertisements and family or friend's advice might leave you confused about how to cure the embarrassing skin infection.
Acne affects many people within their lifetime leading to different opinions and miracle cures.
If you haven't yet been attacked by the infection, it is good to arm yourself with the correct information before selecting a mode of treatment.
Firstly, seek your dermatologist's opinion because though Acne is treatable delay or improper in treatment can lead to unsightly scars on sensitive body areas such as the face.
Below are some things to consider; Research shows that there are different strains of Acne each with its traits and thus requiring specific treatment.
Professional advice from your dermatologist is thus important to ensure you will be taking medication for the correct type of Acne as some are easy to treat while others are stubborn and take more effort and resources.
Avoid taking over the counter medicine based on other people's opinions as they might not be effective and can even have side effects.
Though the cases of Acne might seem similar between you and your friends avoid taking their prescriptions as our bodies are different and react differently to treatment.
Ensure that you take a diagnosis from the doctor before you start any medication to treat the Acne.
Taking someone else's medication might even exacerbate the skin infection when your body reacts and this simply leads to loss of money and time.
Another important thing to note is that due to the uniqueness of our bodies, the smallest variable changes in treatment can lead to different reactions.
For example, patient A and B might be using the same treatment but their reactions to the same prescriptions will be very different.
Specific conditions require specific treatment and your doctor can prescribe products to treat the infections resulting from the Acne lest they deteriorate.
Other products help to curb excessive sebum secretion that initially causes the pimples on the skin while some scrubbing agents help to strip off the top layer of your skin thus minimizing chances of bacteria thriving unnoticed.
It is important to note some essential Acne ingredients in these products before settling for any.
These include; • Melaleuca or Tea-Tree oil; essential for their anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities though the melaleuca in most over the counter products isn't pure and you should supplement it by searching for its pure form.
• Benzoyl peroxide; helps to peel of the skin and promote new growth of cells.
It reduces bacteria presence on your body and you should start with mild concentrates of 2.
5% before moving to stronger ones if the skin tolerates it.
• Salicylic acid; acts like benzoyl peroxide by reducing the clogging of your skin pores.
• Pantothenic acid; a B vitamin that is necessary for co-enzyme A.
the enzyme is a factor in production of fatty acids and hormones and studies indicate the vitamin can assist to treat Acne.
Though these products might be effective, professional medical diagnosis advice remains the best option as none can singly treat the underlying causes of Acne.

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