Learn This Top Secret If You Want to Succeed in Your Network Marketing Business
If someone tells you that smile is very crucial in building your network marketing business, the possibility is you will never believe that, and I think most people would go" whatever", why should I bother to smile to strangers.
But if you are considering starting a network marketing business, you should first think of your own personality, charm, and the ability to make people like you.
Lets say for example if you say "I like you" "you make me happy" "I am glad to see you".
So the other person naturally will be glad to see you and talk to you as well.
I will give you an example of how the first impression has got very big impact in making some decisions.
My friend has just moved to our area, and she has got this little girl of six years old now, so she had a choice of two schools, one school was very close to their house its just across the road, and another one was about 20 minutes walk.
So I asked the mum what made her decide to choose the school which is far way and leave the one which is just across the road, and the mum said, they went to visit both schools, but when they went to the second one, which is a bit far one of the teacher was very friendly, she just said to the girl "congratulations you are the last one to join the class for this term", while shaking the hands with the little girl.
You know what happened? The little girl said to her mum, I will go to that school, because the teacher was very friendly to me.
That story touched my heart, I just thought it is amazing how smile can make a big impact.
So you have to remember when you are on the phone, or just talking to your prospects the secret weapon is SMILE, that smile comes through your voice and it is very easier to win your prospects.
You must have a genuine and real smile, a heart warming one, a smile that comes from within, the kind of smile that will bring a good price in the market place.
Have you noticed that people who smile tend to manage, teach and sell more effectively.
The effect of a smile is very powerful.
So if you are thinking of starting a network marketing business or you are doing it, you must have fun in doing it, you will be very successful.
You must have good time meeting people if you expect them to have a good time meeting you.
Like the wise ancient Chinese men said "A MAN WITHOUT A SMILE FACE MUST NOT OPEN THE SHOP".
But if you are considering starting a network marketing business, you should first think of your own personality, charm, and the ability to make people like you.
Lets say for example if you say "I like you" "you make me happy" "I am glad to see you".
So the other person naturally will be glad to see you and talk to you as well.
I will give you an example of how the first impression has got very big impact in making some decisions.
My friend has just moved to our area, and she has got this little girl of six years old now, so she had a choice of two schools, one school was very close to their house its just across the road, and another one was about 20 minutes walk.
So I asked the mum what made her decide to choose the school which is far way and leave the one which is just across the road, and the mum said, they went to visit both schools, but when they went to the second one, which is a bit far one of the teacher was very friendly, she just said to the girl "congratulations you are the last one to join the class for this term", while shaking the hands with the little girl.
You know what happened? The little girl said to her mum, I will go to that school, because the teacher was very friendly to me.
That story touched my heart, I just thought it is amazing how smile can make a big impact.
So you have to remember when you are on the phone, or just talking to your prospects the secret weapon is SMILE, that smile comes through your voice and it is very easier to win your prospects.
You must have a genuine and real smile, a heart warming one, a smile that comes from within, the kind of smile that will bring a good price in the market place.
Have you noticed that people who smile tend to manage, teach and sell more effectively.
The effect of a smile is very powerful.
So if you are thinking of starting a network marketing business or you are doing it, you must have fun in doing it, you will be very successful.
You must have good time meeting people if you expect them to have a good time meeting you.
Like the wise ancient Chinese men said "A MAN WITHOUT A SMILE FACE MUST NOT OPEN THE SHOP".