Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

My 5 Top Reasons For Writing Articles

There are many reasons people write articles.
Here are my top five reasons why I write articles.
Reason 1.
I need to write or I am feeling like I am being neglectful of people
There is so little good teaching out there these days.
I feel if I have some truth that people need to hear at least my readers on EzineArticles can learn what I have to say.
One day I will have a bigger audience but 12,000 people per month is enough for me at this time.
Reason 2.
By writing articles I can open people up to Jesus
Not all my articles are in the religion section and so many of my readers might no share my faith.
Some of these readers may get a touch of my faith and excitement in my life and want to read more that I have to say about Jesus and my faith.
Also many Christians might not have met a Christian who lives such a Supernatural life and want to read more.
In my articles this happens a lot I am sure.
Reason 3.
God calls me to write
God has anointed me as an Teacher and he likes me to write.
God always gives me the inspiration on what to write on and gives me the topics.
When I have the topic His Holy Spirit also helps me write.
I wish His Holy Spirit helped with errors in grammar also!! Reason 4.
The more articles I write the better rank my websites get on search engines.
Sometimes articles can be good to get high rankings on search engines..
Reason 5.
It is fun and I enjoy it
I love to write.
I have been burned out before and I needed a few months break.
But with rest I can always come back with fresh things to offer.

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