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Reasons To Become A Runner

Running is such a great way to get in shape, stay in shape and help you to live a longer, healthier life.
Isn't that something that you'd like to do? Running is one of the easiest ways to get in shape and you can do it with little expense.
There are 3 major reasons to begin a running program - to improve your health, to help lose weight and to make you feel better about yourself overall.
Most people start a running program to help them to lose weight.
You burn approximately 100 calories for each mile that you run.
However, remember that you will be gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.
So, don't get discouraged if you don't see the scale going down at first - look at how you are toning up.
You also don't want to make the mistake of eating more just because you are running.
This is counter active to what you are trying to do.
However, most people find that when they start working out regularly, they are motivated to eat better.
Running will help to strengthen your heart and also helps the blood and oxygen flow through your body better.
This helps to keep away the threat of a heart attack.
You will also find that a regular running program helps keep you from getting colds and will lower your blood pressure.
And, since running is a weight-bearing exercise, it also helps to strengthen your bones to help ward off osteoporosis.
Studies have also been done that show that a regular running program can help keep away certain types of cancer.
Runners find that their new exercise program gives them benefits beyond physical.
They have more energy throughout the day to do their regular activities.
Runners also feel overall better about themselves thanks to their workouts.
They find that they can handle things better and are less depressed than non-runners.
They have higher self-esteem and confidence levels.
This is especially true with runners after they have completed their first goal, whether it be a 5K race or even to complete a mile without walking.
As you can see, there are many reasons to start a running program.
It's important in feeling good about yourself and helping you to live a longer life.
Don't you want the energy and the time to spend with your loved ones? They'll be happy that you are doing something positive for yourself.

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