Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Foundation Waterproofing - Keeping the Water Out

Owning a home can be a wonderful experience but it comes with a lot of responsibility. There are also a lot of difficulties that can happen as a result of homeownership. A good example of this is if you happen to get water from time to time in your basement or crawl space. Even though the area is underground and it can be expected to get moisture on occasion, it can affect the rest of your home in a number of different ways. Along with that, if you like to use your basement as a living space, moisture can cause mold and mildew along with being very destructive to any furniture that you have down there.

In order to overcome the problem of water or any moisture in the basement, it may be necessary to do some foundation waterproofing. Of course, this is best done whenever the house is new and the foundation is still exposed on the outside. When this is the case, waterproofing is put onto the outside of the walls thickly and it acts as an effective barrier against any moisture and water that wants to come in through the walls. Unfortunately, this is not a practice that is always done because it is rarely a condition that is required by the local building codes. If you're having a house built, however, speak to the contractor about adding this into the bid. It may save you some trouble down the road.

If your home has already been built or if you're moving into an existing home, you may not have the benefit of having the foundation waterproofing on the outside of the walls. It is still possible for you to be able to protect it to a certain extent, however, if you put some waterproofing paint on the inside of the walls. The coating that you put on the walls is not typically as strong as the chemicals that are put on the outside of the walls but it still can serve as an effective barrier.

The one thing that it will not protect against, unfortunately, is water that is coming into your home as a result of it gathering around the outside of the foundation. If this is the case, you may need to install a French drain as a form of foundation waterproofing in order to divert the water away from the foundation and off to lower land.

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