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Chi - Teeth - Chinese Character Profile

The Chinese character ? looks a bit like a mouth full of teeth, which is appropriate since the meaning of this character is teeth.

The original form of this character was a U-shaped mouth with six teeth, which were reduced to four as the character evolved. The simplified version (?) has just one tooth – a fact which can be remembered by associating old age with tooth loss.

The radical ? (zhi) is added to the top of ? as a phonetic marker.

The character ?/? is pronounced chi, and can also mean gears, cogs, or age.

Mandarin Vocabulary With Chi

Traditional CharactersSimplified CharactersPinyinEnglish
????yá chidental; tooth
????chi lun(machine) gear
????bào chigear-shaping
????bù chito despise; to hold in contempt
????????lòu chi ér xiàogrin
????shàng chiupper teeth
????xià chilower teeth

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