Society & Culture & Entertainment Languages

Word of the Day: Comitiva

La palabra del día:

la comitiva

Pronunciación aproximada:

koh-mee-TEE-vah (The v in this word is pronounced somewhat like the English "v" but with the two lips touching instead of with the top teeth touching the lower lip.)


retinue, entourage, attendants


La actriz Jennifer López y su comitiva utilizaron seis limusinas para trasladarse de un exclusivo hotel de Londres a otro similar, una distancia de unos 100 metros, informó la prensa británica.


Actress Jennifer Lopez and her entourage used six limousines to transfer from an exclusive hotel in London to a similar one, a distance of 100 meters, the British press reported.


Like other collective nouns that can refer to more than one person, comitiva takes singular verbs.

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