Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

How to Make a Life Size Dalek

    Dalek Plans

    • 1). Cut one pattern from the poster board that measures four inches at the top, eight inches at the bottom and is three feet tall. Use this pattern to cut out 14 sections for the Dalek skirt section.

    • 2). Draw a circle that measures two inches in diameter on the poster board. Use this template to draw four evenly spaced circles on each triangular section of the Dalek's skirt. Cut the sections out with a box cutter.

    • 3). Duct tape the cardboard pieces together on the inside. Before taping the last section, stand the bottom skirt section upright, and tape the last piece to each side of the skirt.

    • 4). Apply hot glue to the inside area of the cardboard circle cut outs, and insert the plastic Christmas ornaments into each of the holes. Make sure to insert the ornaments so that the tops face the inside.

    • 5). Cut the pool fun noodles into 14 four-inch pieces. Hot glue the pool noodle sections to the bottom of the Dalek skirt.

    • 6). Cut an oblong piece of cardboard that is a little larger than the top area of the Dalek skirt. Hot glue the cardboard to the top of the skirt area. Paint the entire bottom portion of the Dalek in a bronze color and let it dry.

    • 7). Measure the inside top half of the plastic laundry basket, and cut out a section of cardboard to those exact measurements. Hot glue the cardboard to the inside top half of the basket. Paint the plastic laundry basket and cardboard with bronze paint and allow it to dry completely.

    • 8). On the inside, line the bottom half of the laundry basket with the black crepe paper. Hot glue it into place. Set the laundry basket onto the skirt of the Dalek to ensure that it fits properly. Place hot glue onto the top of the laundry basket edge, and center the basket onto the top section of the Dalek skirt.

    • 9). Cut the tissue boxes in half. Paint two of the square tissue boxes bronze and one black. Hot glue the two bronze tissue boxes to the front of the laundry basket for arms.

    • 10

      Paint the outside of a large plastic bowl black. Apply silver paint to the dowel rods, the paper towel cardboard tube, one plastic ornament and the plunger.

    • 11

      Hot glue the silver plastic ornament to the end of the cardboard tube. Cut one dowel rod so that it extends through the paper towel tube at the bottom and 2 inches past the outside of the tube. Cut another dowel rod in half, and affix it to the bottom dowel rod on each side. Attach the other end of the dowel rod to the plastic ornament. Insert the paper towel tube into one of the tissue box arms and affix with hot glue. Glue the wire whisk into the other tissue box.

    • 12

      Cut out several circles from the poster board. Cut two-2 inch circles, two-4 inch circles and two-6 inch circles. Paint the circles silver. Cut holes in all the circles, so the circles will slide easily onto the plunger handle.

    • 13

      Affix the plunger to the top of the bowl, and inside the top tissue box. Glue the two plastic shot glasses to the sides of the plastic bowl.

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