Home & Garden Home Appliances

Wiring a Two Speed Attic Fan

    • 1). Go to the fuse box and trip the circuit breaker to discontinue electric power to the attic's electrical junction box.

    • 2). Remove the screws on the electrical junction box's cover plate that is in the attic with a Phillips screwdriver. Remove the plate to expose the wires attached to the electrical junction box.

    • 3). Strip a 1/2 inch of insulation from the ends of the wires connected to the two-speed attic fan -- use wire strippers to do this. Dispose of the cut insulation in the trash.

    • 4). Push the wires connected to the fan through the center hole in the replacement cover plate that you will put on the electrical junction box after you finish the wiring. If you will leave the electrical junction box exposed, ignore this step.

    • 5). Wind the exposed end of the black wire from the fan around the exposed end of the black wire from the electrical junction box. Wind the exposed end of the white wire from the fan around the box's white wire. Connect with a screw-tab connector.

    • 6). Loosen the screw on the bottom left or right corner of the electrical junction box with the Phillips screwdriver. Wind the exposed end of the remaining (ground) wire from the fan around the screw. Tighten the screw. Push the wiring where the screw-tab connectors are attached into the electrical junction box.

    • 7). Place the replacement cover plate, if there is one, on the electrical junction box and attach the screws that were removed earlier using a Phillips screwdriver. Restore the electric power at the fuse box.

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