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How to Get Over Sudden Breakups

Things were going so well. It felt like you were finally doing things right and stuff was coming together in your life. Suddenly, and out of nowhere, your girlfriend dumps you. You're reeling trying to figure out what just happened? Was it something you did? Was it something you didn't do? Is the problem with me? Why did she dump me?

Sudden breakups are the worst. They seem to come without cause, and unless she told you why, you're probably pretty clueless right now. So what do you do now? You've got to make the pain stop and you're surely thinking that you may want your ex back. Before we even get that far, first you need to ease some of the breakup pain. You need to get yourself to a point you can think clearly again.

Despite how it looks a distraction is what you probably need best right now. Work out, take up a new hobby, just stay active. This really helps you work out some of your heartache and any aggression you may have stored up. Whatever you do, don't spend this time alone and isolated somewhere. You need to stay busy and active.

A night or two out with your boys would be a great fix too. You need to blow off some steam and you're crew is the best ones to do it with. It can hard to convince yourself to do this and you may feel guilty for even wanting to have a good time after a break up, but don't worry, there's nothing wrong with having a good time. This will reaffirm your friends are here for you at this tough time as well. You need to avoid drunken phone calls to your ex or worse so go light on the alcohol during this time out.

There's more you can do to get over a sudden breakup, but these activities will help ease the pain and help you move on. Once you're thinking clearer you can then decide if you want to get your ex back or not. Before you get to that stage you first need to get yourself in the right place emotionally, which means using the energy you got from breaking up in constructive ways. Give this some time then re-evaluate your relationship with your ex. If you want them back, then would be the time to start pursuing it, otherwise there's plenty more fish in the sea right?

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