Health & Medical Medicine

Use The Best Herbal Sperm Enhancer Supplement Pills To Treat Oligospermia

The quality of sperm might not affect potency and performance in bed, but it definitely interferes with a man's ability to become father. Both sperm count and motility are involved in the fertilizing process and if one of them is affected, your dream to become a father can vanish. Generally speaking, medical analyses are performed in those men who don't succeed to impregnate a healthy woman after two years. Laboratory tests are able to tell whether there is a problem with sperm or not. Unfortunately, the tests are not giving any clues on the causes of the problem and this makes it very hard to figure out a solution.

There are numerous pills on the market which are advertised as sperm enhancers. They are not all alike and they don't function in the same manner. More than that, some pills can turn out to be completely ineffective or can have unwanted and dangerous side effects. It takes a little research in order to find the best sperm enhancer supplement pills. The first rule that you need to follow is to look for a product that has no side effects. You can't have this unless you go for herbal pills. They are completely natural and they only serve the purpose they have been created for. Spermac for instance is a leading treatment in oligospermia (low sperm count) and also provides some additional benefits like increasing energy, stamina and libido. Vital M-40 capsules are also entirely herbal and they have a long list of benefits for the entire body and the reproductive system. Vital M-40 alone does not necessarily increase sperm count, but it works great in enhancing the effects of Spermac.

Since the causes of oligospermia are not always clear, you can't find the product that works through trial and error process. After all, it's your health at stake and you don't want to experiment anything. Herbal sperm enhancer supplement pills are not putting you at risk and address all possible causes of oligospermia. Generally speaking, low sperm count can have three types of main causes: pre-testicular, testicular and post-testicular. At a first glance it might seem complicated, but in fact things are pretty simple. Inadequate sperm quality is determined in most cases by malnourishment, hormonal imbalance, reduced blood flow in the genitals, stress or hormonal imbalances. Herbal supplements provide the body the nutrients it needs in order to function properly. They make sure that the formation of sperm is healthy and the result is satisfactory. Additionally, sperm enhancer supplement pills provide energy and vitality for the body.

When taking Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules together, their effects synergize and provide optimum results. You are not going to experience overnight miracles because the herbs need some time to put your body back on track and to allow it to adjust to changes. It usually takes 3-4 months in order for sperm count to come to normal. You need to take one Spermac capsule and one Vital M-40 capsule daily. In cases of a diagnosis of severe oligospermia, you can double the dose of Spermac. After 3-4 months you can expect to feel great and to also be able to conceive babies without a problem.

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