Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

The associated disadvantages of Mental Health Problem

According to WHO, mental health is defined as “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” According to this definition, if someone has mental health problem, he/she cannot keep himself/herself physically fit as well. So, wellbeing of the mental health is the most vital issue of physical health as well as life of everyone.

The important facts of mental health problem are:

- Mental health problem is widespread across the country and has been causing immense suffering. Individuals suffering from this problem are often intended to isolate themselves from the society, they spend poor quality of life, and hence their life expectancy decreases down drastically.

- In addition, the mental health problem also leads to many other disorders including neurological, physiological, nutritional, and physical disorders.

- Mental health problem can be only controlled to some extent. In such a condition, if mental health problem is left untreated then it may cause big problem and in certain conditions, it can even take life of the individual.

- However, there are some barriers that affect the mental treatment such as lack of knowledge about the seriousness of mental illness or lack of information about the advantages of the treatment.

There are a few reliable treatment centers that provide all facilities for the treatment of mental health problem. Their sole objective is to reduce the burden of mental disorders and promote mental health. So, this is necessary to get treated for all those individuals who are suffering from mental health problem.

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