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Why the Most Beautiful Women Always Go for Jerks

Everyday, you see it.

You wonder why, and what could she possibly see in him? We ask ourselves this question every time we see it. Why do the most beautiful women always go for the jerks?

The answer is quiet simple. They have something that the rest do not. That special thing they have may be limited, yet it is enough for them to have success. In the end, he never ends up keeping her. Only moving onto the next fulfilling relationship and she is left heart broken.

The cycle of unhappiness continues.

So what exactly does the Jerk do correctly? The jerk is able to show a few alpha male qualities. Non-Neediness, Dominance, he values himself.

We are only attracted to those who we view as equal or greater than value to us. The jerk is able to create attraction by over inflating himself and bringing those down around him. This is unhealthy. He keeps the girl around by making her feel like she can't get anyone else because her value is shot down so low and he over inflates his own.

Dominance, a quality that the jerk does share with the Alpha Male. The jerk displays dominance because he views women as nothing more than shit. A piece of ass. Since he feels he is so much better than them he is able to conquer them easily and not care. Dominance and a certain level of aggression is an attractive trait that he does possess. It is positive because it shows strong leadership in hard times and his ability to protect her.

Non-Neediness, one of the last main and few qualities that the jerk does share with the Alpha Male. The Alpha Male doesn't need to beg or ask for anything from the girl. He knows he can already get it, so it is not THAT big of a deal. The jerk just doesn't care as well. The beta never gets anything so he is always begging for it. So the more the Alpha and the jerk get the less they beg and thus the more they get. While the less the beta gets the more he is desperate and begs for scraps or what ever he can get. This behavior as we all know is unattractive.

So the Alpha and the Jerk are in positive reinforcing cycles of getting laid, while the beta is stuck in a downward helpless spiral of misery and masturbation.

Self-Value, both the Alpha male and jerk have a sense of there own value.

The Alpha knows who he is, and where he stands. He is a man who stands with confidence. This is a very attractive trait. The jerk has an over inflated sense of self value. He thinks that he is "the shit" and that he is better than everyone else. Since attraction is created by having an equal or higher value to someone else, he manages to create attraction in an unhealthy way by putting others down in relation to him to create the difference in values.

This is why the jerk manages to get the girl. The downside for him is that the girl will eventually catch on, and turn out to hate him. He loses in the end.

Meanwhile, the beta down plays himself and doesn't know or have any value to himself. He lifts up and worships the ground that hot women walk on. He lowers his value so low, he never has a chance.

What the Alpha male has that the beta does not is the sense of value and he knows what he is worth to other people. Unlike the jerk he is able to keep what ever girl he wants for as long as he wants to. When they leave each other, he still has the option of dating her friends. While the jerk is hated by all.

-Big Q-

This article was first published on the Seduction University Forums.

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